RVH Liver Support Group celebrates 25 years supporting liver patients in NI.
Its been 25 years this year since Kay Duffy OBE founded the Liver Support Group. And to recognise this wonderful achievement the Group held a gala event attended by almost 300 guests which included transplanted patients and their families. Joining Robin Swann, former NI Health Minister, were senior medical staff from Kings London and Birmingham’s Children Hospital as well as our own highly valued liver unit consultants and nursing staff from the Regional Liver Unit at the RVH.
The RVH Liver Support Group was originally founded to offer all kinds of support to any person, young or old, who suffers from any type of liver condition irrespective of cause within N Ireland. And this same level of support is offered today. A committee of eight volunteers provide the Group with all of the requisite qualities to effectively manage the Charity and, within, there are three adult patient carers and two child/adolescent patient carers. These carers offer confidential telephone or face to face support to patients and/or their carers on a daily basis.