About Arthur Goan

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So far Arthur Goan has created 248 blog entries.

You’re Invited!!! RVHLSG Annual General Meeting

Just to let you know that our next AGM will take place on March 21st via ZOOM and will start at 7:00 pm. Everyone is invited to attend this and, in order to do so, you will need an electronic link. In order to get this please email us at rvhlsg@gmail.com to let us know of your wish to attend. We will then send you the relevant paperwork in relation to the meeting as well as the electronic link that you will use to access the meeting.

We look forward to seeing you on March 21st.

Please see below for more information on the event:-

You’re Invited!!! RVHLSG Annual General Meeting2024-02-22T09:19:01+00:00

Shandon Park Golf Club holds a competition for RVHLSG

Thank you to Heather Halliday, Lady Captain at Shandon Park Golf Club, who held a competition day and raised £750 for the Group. Heather is pictured opposite with Group Chairman and Treasurer Jim Kilpatrick.

Shandon Park Golf Club holds a competition for RVHLSG2024-01-14T04:27:29+00:00

Lucy raises funds for the Liver Support Group

Thank you to Lucy Seaton who raised a fantastic £1361 for us after walking 15,000 steps every day during the month of October. Well done Lucy !!

Lucy presented her cheque to Group Chairman, Jim Kilpatrick, with her Dad, Peter, who is currently awaiting a liver transplant.

Lucy raises funds for the Liver Support Group2024-03-06T21:16:05+00:00

Jim receives an MBE for services to those with liver conditions

The RVH Liver Support Group proudly announces that our Chairman, Jim Kilpatrick, has been awarded the honour of Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) for services to people with liver disease and their carers in Northern Ireland, in the King’s New Year’s Honours List 2024.

This well-deserved honour is testament to Jim’s unwavering commitment to supporting liver disease patients following his own transplant experiences in 2018, and his tireless efforts to make a positive impact on the lives of those affected by liver conditions across Northern Ireland. The MBE recognises his outstanding contributions to the community, reflecting his dedication to improving healthcare outcomes and raising awareness about liver health and organ donation.

Under Jim’s leadership, the RVH Liver Support Group has expanded its reach and impact across Northern Ireland, developing relationships with local and national politicians to effect change and raise awareness of liver issues, and endeavouring to bring patients together to encourage peer to peer support. The charity’s initiatives, from patient support programs to educational campaigns, have made a meaningful difference in the lives of countless individuals and their families grappling with liver-related issues.

Jim expressed gratitude for the honour, stating, “I am deeply humbled and honoured to receive this recognition. It reflects the collective efforts of the entire Liver Support Group committee and our dedicated supporters. This MBE is not just for me; it is for everyone who has contributed to our mission of providing hope and support to those affected by liver conditions.”

After a very successful 25th Anniversary year for the Group in 2023, we look forward to the Group further increasing  our effectiveness and direction under Jim’s guidance in 2024. We remain steadfast in our commitment to enhancing the lives of individuals and their families facing liver challenges through innovative programs, advocacy, and community engagement.

Jim receives an MBE for services to those with liver conditions2024-01-14T03:42:56+00:00

Moneyrea Primary School Children helps RVHLSG

Our Chairman, Jim Kilpatrick, was delighted to meet some very excited young pupils from Moneyrea Primary School and Nursery this morning and to receive a cheque from them for £700.00. Thanks go to all the children, parents and staff for their generosity. Pictured with the pupils are Roy Greer (Principal) and Christine Floyd (whose husband, Cecil, is a liver transplant patient.

Moneyrea Primary School Children helps RVHLSG2023-12-27T16:12:29+00:00

Another successful coffee morning/afternoon

The RVH Liver Support Group organised another coffee event, this time in Omagh and Enniskillen on Dec 4th. It was successful and everyone who attended appreciated being able to meet other patients and have a chat around their experiences. Further events just like this are being planned and we will let you know on the home page.

Another successful coffee morning/afternoon2023-12-07T11:38:14+00:00

Publications on all liver conditions; how do I get them?

This is a question that we now get asked in clinic; where can I get more information, online, in relation to the condition that I have just been diagnosed with. The British Liver Trust has an extensive array of publications available to read online or download from their website for all liver conditions. We have provided the link below to help you to access this information. Please feel free to make use of this and also to download the document to your computer or smart device so that you can read at another time.


British Liver Trust Publication Downloads

Publications on all liver conditions; how do I get them?2023-12-07T11:17:07+00:00

Service of Thanksgiving…….. Remembered.

Our thanks go to all our distinguished guests, medical colleagues and especially our members and their families, who joined us for our 25th Anniversary Service of Thanksgiving in the Chapel of Unity, Methodist College, Belfast on Sunday 26th November.
It was an emotional and reflective occasion for everyone, with magnificent music provided by Jonathan Rea, Rebekah Durston and Steph Devlin, whose contributions were unanimously praised afterwards.
The highlight for many was the lighting of candles by those organ recipients present in memory of their donors.
Thanks too to Rev. Janice Browne for leading the Service, Dr. Roger McCorry for representing all the consultants and staff in the Liver Unit, and Rev. Canon Kevin Graham, Deputy Lieutenant for the County Borough of Belfast, for his encouraging words and bringing the support of the Belfast Lieutenancy.
We were also supported by Cllr. Mark Cooper BEM (Mayor of Antrim & Newtownabbey), Cllr. Jennifer Gilmour (Mayor of Ards & North Down), and Cllr. Dominic Molloy (Chair of Mid Ulster District Council). We were also delighted to have Catherine McKeown (Organ Donation Manager at the Public Health Agency) and Mrs Patty Gilbert (Chair of the NI Kidney Patients Association).
Service of Thanksgiving…….. Remembered.2023-11-28T20:44:33+00:00

Family Fun Day a great success!!

This year’s Family Fun Day was another great success thanks both to Rachel and Patricia, committee members, and all of many families and friends who made the event.  We just love to see so many families with their children coming along to have some great fun as well as having conversations with other families. We think the bowling was a great choice too!!

Family Fun Day a great success!!2023-11-20T20:09:22+00:00
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