About Arthur Goan

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So far Arthur Goan has created 248 blog entries.

Alan Shields fundraiser in Coleraine

Transplant recipient Alan Shields hosted an evening of entertainment at the Lodge Hotel in Coleraine on 23rd February in order to raise funds for our charity. This event was a HUGE success and raised a phenomenal £13,030 for our Group.
Many thanks to Alan, friends and family and to all those who supported the event. We very much appreciate your kindness and generosity and the vast amount of time and effort that has gone into organising the evening.

Alan Shields fundraiser in Coleraine2020-08-04T11:17:45+01:00

Festive generosity at Steensons Jewellers

The Steensons is a second generation family run goldsmiths who, for forty years, have grown a reputation in Ireland,  producing strong contemporary design with the highest standard of craftsmanship. All the collections and rings by Steensons are designed and handcrafted in our Glenarm workshop, along the famous Causeway Coast Route.

Over the Christmas period Dan Spencer chose our Group as the charity to benefit from a collection in his Glenarm and Belfast stores. We are very grateful to him for his kind donation.

Festive generosity at Steensons Jewellers2020-08-04T11:17:45+01:00

20th Anniversary Celebrations

We are celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the RVH Liver Support Group this year on 28 April in the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Shaw’s Bridge Belfast. This will start with our AGM followed by a three-course buffet meal and entertainment by Shamie H (Swing & Rat Pack Singer).
Members will all have been contacted via post or email. There is no charge to Members plus one guest. You are welcome to bring along additional guests at a cost of £26.50 per person.

Numbers will be limited so tickets will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Booking is essential.

Dress code: Smart Casual.

We hope that you can join us to celebrate this very special occasion!

(If you click on the poster it will be easier to Read)


20th Anniversary Celebrations2021-05-10T13:16:10+01:00

Anderson Family Fundraiser

We are very grateful to the Anderson family from Magherafelt for raising such a fantastic sum for our group. We are very appreciative of all the kind people who fundraise on our behalf.

Anderson Family Fundraiser2021-05-02T15:17:42+01:00

Sr Moffett’s Retirement

The RVH Liver Support Group were represented by Kay and Gordon at the recent function to mark the retirement of Sr Sharon Moffett. Sharon has had a long association with our Group.

Sr Moffett’s Retirement2021-05-02T15:20:21+01:00

Cheque Presentations

We are so grateful to the many people who raise money for our Group. This money is very wisely used for the benefit of our liver patients. These two presentations took place at the Outpatients’ Clinic on Friday 13th October.

Harold Medlow presents a cheque to Founder, Kay Duffy. Also in the photo are his wife Violet and their son Keith.

Oisin McGinty and his mother present a cheque to Kay Duffy and Seamus Cunningham

Cheque Presentations2021-05-02T15:31:30+01:00

Education Fund

Cheque presentation

Seamus Cunningham (Vice-Chair) and Kay Duffy (Founder) presenting a cheque for the Education Fund to the consultants (Dr McDougall, Dr Cash; Dr McCorry).

The RVH Liver Support Group committed £25,000 this year towards the purchase of hospital equipment for use in outpatients and the liver ward (6D) in RVH for the benefit of liver patients. This includes a £5,000 contribution towards an Education Fund which allows some members of the nursing and medical team to travel to Kings College Hospital in London to receive specialist training.

Education Fund2021-05-02T15:07:19+01:00

October Members’ Meeting



Charity No. NIC 100892

Patient and Carer support across Northern Ireland since 1998


A MEMBERS’ MEETING will be held on Thursday 26th October 2017 in the Samuel Irwin Lecture Theatre

Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast.

 Light refreshments from 7 p.m.       The meeting begins at 7.30 p.m.

 The theme for the evening is:

 The Transplant Journey – help at every stage

 Guest speakers:

 Dr. Jonathan Cash – Consultant Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist

Tomas Doherty –      Transplant Co-ordinator

Gemma Wasson –     Pharmacist


 All members, relatives and friends will be made very welcome. 

 For further information, please contact:

 Sharon Millen                         (Chairperson)                07771 855171

Donald Cairnduff                   (Secretary)                     07701 029347

October Members’ Meeting2020-08-04T11:17:45+01:00

Opening of Relatives’ Room

We reached another landmark for the RVH Liver Support Group on 15 September 2017 when Kat Duffy officially opened the new Relatives’ Room in what was known as the Glasshouse in 6D. We part funded this project and are very proud to be associated with it. This is our next project to help those with liver disease and their carers since the provision of the very successful Helpdesk and information monitors.

A few photos from the official opening

Kay Duffy cuts the ribbon at the official opening as Dr McDougall, Sr Sharon Moffett and Angela Costello look o.

Kay receives a bouquet of flowers from Angela Costello, with Sharon Moffett.

Kay receives a bouquet of flowers from Angela Costello, with Sharon Moffett.

Kay Duffy cuts the ribbon at the official opening as Dr McDougall, Sr Sharon Moffett and Angela Costello look on. 

The official opening party are joined by Donald Cairnduff and Fred McDermott (Transplant Co-ordinator)

The official opening party are joined by Donald Cairnduff and Fred McDermott (Transplant Co-ordinator)

Opening of Relatives’ Room2021-05-02T15:36:02+01:00
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