About Arthur Goan

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So far Arthur Goan has created 248 blog entries.

Lambeg Golf Club Charity Event

Lambeg Golf Club President Gary McDonald and Captain Bobby Meehan present RVH Liver Support Group member Arthur Goan with a cheque for £1,850 at the Club’s recent President’s Day. The magnificent amount was raised through a very well supported charity tournament, and our thanks go to all the members of the Club for their generosity. The donation will assist us in our ongoing support of people across Northern Ireland affected by liver disease.

Lambeg Golf Club Charity Event2021-09-05T13:25:48+01:00

Meehan Sponsored Walk

Congratulations and thanks go to the Meehan family and friends on the success of their sponsored walk from Bangor to Holywood on Saturday 14th August to raise funds for the Liver Support Group.
Lee was successfully transplanted in June last year, and his sister Michelle and Mum Olivia wanted to express their thanks for the support they received from the Group in a tangible way.
A magnificent total of £3,322 including Gift Aid was raised through Just Giving, which will be used to further the support we provide to patients and carers across Northern Ireland.
Meehan Sponsored Walk2021-08-30T12:02:03+01:00

Today is World Organ Donation Day 💕

Its August 13th and what a day!! A day to celebrate the incredible difference organ donation can make. And a special thank you from all of us here to all of the families whose loved ones made the living of others possible.

Today is World Organ Donation Day 💕2021-08-13T15:57:46+01:00

Roberta’s Skydive for the Liver Support Group

We would like to thank Roberta Armstrong for the skydive she undertook recently in support of the Group. So far, Roberta has raised over £3000. Well done to you!!

Roberta’s Skydive for the Liver Support Group2021-06-23T14:39:08+01:00

A retirement gift kindly donated to LSG

After 44 years of working for the Western Health & Social Care Trust’s community dental team, Jennifer O’Brien presented her retirement gift from her colleagues to the RVH Liver Support Group. Our thanks go to Jennifer for her generosity. Pictured are (L-R) Kay Duffy, Founder of the RVH Liver Support Group; Jennifer O’Brien and Grainne Quinn, Manager & Clinical Director.

A retirement gift kindly donated to LSG2021-06-09T17:05:14+01:00

Former employees of Wrightbus make a generous donation….

A very generous donation of £2,100 was received from the Trustees of the former employees of the old Wrightbus Company in Ballymena to help further support  liver patients accross Northern Ireland.

(L-R) Michael Cathcart, Robbie Herron, Uel Bamber (liver transplant recipient), Geoff Wylie and LSG Chairman Jim Kilpatrick.

Former employees of Wrightbus make a generous donation….2021-05-10T12:52:09+01:00

COVID-19 Vaccination Update

For everyone invited so far to attend the Royal site for their Covid-19 vaccination, please find opposite a site map to help you find the building being used. It is located on the main car park access road, and is shown with a green ‘X’ on the map. Please allow plenty of time before your appointment time as it is likely there will be lengthy car park queues as the day progresses.

***please bring id with you***

COVID-19 Vaccination Update2021-04-19T17:28:43+01:00

Residential Weekend at the Lisnaskea Share Centre

A residential weekend held at The Share Centre in Lisnaskea on the weekend of 14th to 15th September 2019 and attended by 11 families and 3 committee members.

An afternoon of activity on and beside Upper Lough Erne on Saturday helped create a strong dynamic amongst the people attending, some of whom were meeting for the first time. This dynamic was crucial for the open and honest sharing of advice and experience that developed informally throughout the weekend and for a powerful formal discussion on Sunday morning in which parents spoke of different aspects of caring – the impact of a child’s illness on other siblings; transition from children’s to adults’ services; and the fact that liver disease is often linked with other debilitating conditions. The session was sensitively chaired by Rachel and there was a palpable sense of eased concerns and mutual reassurance when it ended. Visitors’ evaluation of the weekend was very positive.

Residential Weekend at the Lisnaskea Share Centre2021-04-19T17:26:03+01:00

Remembrance and Thanksgiving Service…..(text only)

Service in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh

Every three years the Organ Donation Services Team in Northern Ireland (NHSBT) hosts a Service to pay tribute to those people who, after their death, donated organs for transplantation, and for the families who made the generous decision to carry out their wishes.
This service will be taking place on Sunday 8th September 2019 at 3 pm in St Patrick’s RC Cathedral Armagh. This is a non-denominational service of thanksgiving and remembrance. The event is arranged this year to coincide with the close of “Organ Donation Week” which runs from 3 – 8 September 2019.
During the service members of donor families and transplant recipients will be invited to take part in an act of remembrance and thanksgiving. This will involve transplant recipients coming forward to leave a candle tribute. Once transplant recipients have returned to their seat, a representative from each donor family will be asked to come forward to receive a candle tribute. The candles will be provided and will be given to the recipients on arrival.
If you would like to attend the service, please send the following details to the below address by 18th August 2019:
Your name and the number of family/ friends who will be attending the Service, how many (if any) who will be staying for refreshments and your postal address.
Please also indicate the nature of your involvement e.g. Donor Family/ Transplant recipient or family member/ Staff/ Other/ Patient awaiting transplant or family member
Address: NHSBT, Organ Donation Services, 12a Clarendon Road, Clarendon Dock, Belfast, BT1 3BG.
If you have any questions regarding the service, please contact NHSBT on 0300 123 1208
Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Synod Hall beside the Cathedral.
Parking will be available free of charge in the grounds of the Cathedral and also St Patrick’s school which is in close proximity.
Hopefully see you there!


Remembrance and Thanksgiving Service…..(text only)2021-05-02T15:23:34+01:00
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