Contacting us has just got easier
Help desk and information screen in Outpatients’ clinic
The most important, and yet least publicised part of the work of our group is patient care. There are four of our committee working in this area and they go about their work in a quiet, sensitive and professional manner. Their support is invaluable to our members.We are always making every effort to engage with liver patients and find ways to enable them to more easily access our services.
We have launched our new Helpdesk in Outpatients. It is particularly appropriate that Kay Duffy, Founder of the Group, declared it open. It has been a dream of hers for some time and she, Gordon Cave and Seamus Cunningham have worked hard from October of last year onwards to make it a reality. It is located directly opposite the lifts in 6B. The desk was kindly donated by
The Helpdesk would not have been set up without the advice and encouragement of Sister Esther Mallon and her staff. Sister Mallon was very supportive at every step and also liaised with Gordon regarding a strict set of guidelines that will be followed by all committee members while assisting at the desk.
The RVH Liver Support Group will be represented by committee members at clinics on Wednesday and Friday afternoons for informal contact with anyone who wishes to speak with us. This is a significant step forward for us.
An information monitor has been installed in the waiting area of Outpatients on 6B. There is a scrolling information presentation playing on it which will give patients all the information they need.
The launch was very well attended by the medical staff with consultants and nursing staff taking the time out of a very busy schedule to support our efforts to help liver patients.