Tullylagan Cheque Presentation

In the spring of 2014 the Tullylagan Vintage Association approved us as their charity of the year for 2014-15.

This was the start of a close bond between ourselves and the Association that culminated in the handing over of a cheque for £9,000 to Kay Duffy (Founder of the Group) and Donald Cairnduff (Chair) at the Tullylagan Country House Hotel on Thursday 12th November.

Over the past year we have attended and helped with a number of memorable and lively events run by the Assocaition– a Hallowe-en supper dance; a St.Patrick’s night supper dance; a tractor push through the streets of Cookstown and a family fun day at Loughry College.  Kay Duffy and Donald and Jennifer Cairnduff were also guests Association’s AGM in January, when they were able to talk in detail about the work of the RVH Liver Support Group.

We are very grateful to the Association for their magnificent contribution to our funds and also for their invariably warm welcome whenever we met and their genuine interest in our work in support of those with liver conditions throughout Northern Ireland.

Best wishes for the future to Alan Graham (chairman), Robert Beggs (secretary) and to all members and friends of the Tullylagan Vintage Association.  Let’s hope our paths cross again.

Presentation of the cheque with front row, L to R Glynis Graham, Alan Graham (Chair of the Association, Kay Duffy, Donald Cairnduff and Robert Begga, Secretary of the Association

Presentation of the cheque with front row, L to R, Glynis Graham, Alan Graham (Chair of the Association), Kay Duffy (Founder of RVH Liver Support Group), Donald Cairnduff (Chair RVH Liver Support Group),  and Robert Beggs, Secretary of the Association