Caoimhe on song for RVH Liver Support Group

When Lucy Duffy was looking for young people to perform in Another Night on Broadway as part of the Kinross Winter Festival, 6 year Caoimhe Clough was the youngest of the 14 successful singers and dancers who auditioned.

The performance, product of several months of intensive rehearsals, was a huge success. Caoimhe had plenty of stage time on the night, performing solo parts in songs from Mary Poppins, Matilda, Annie and The Sound of Music.

All profits went to charity, with cast members nominating the charity of their choice.  As a grand-daughter of Chris and Mairead Gruhn from Belfast, Caoimhe chose the RVH Liver Support Group as her charity, in memory of her ‘Papa’s’ successful liver transplant in June 2015.

Thank-you Caoimhe – your thoughtfulness has given us £240 towards our work.  We wish you many happy and successful years ahead as you take to the stage.

Caoimhe with 'Papa' Chris Gruhn and Lucy Duffy (Director of Another Night on Broadway)

Caoimhe with ‘Papa’ Chris Gruhn and Lucy Duffy (Director of Another Night on Broadway)

Caoimhe on song for RVH Liver Support Group2020-08-04T11:17:46+01:00

Congratulations to Philip on his marathon run


Competing in 5k road races at the British and World Transplant Games, participating in 5k park runs on Saturday mornings and even completing a half Marathon was one thing.  Running the full 26.2 miles of the Belfast City Marathon was quite another.  This, however, was the goal that Philip Cairnduff, a liver recipient in 2004, set himself at the turn of the year.  If he was to do it at all, it was appropriate to do it in the year he turned 30.  And even more appropriate in the year his donor would have turned 60 had she lived.

Philip at the start with his coach John Glover

Philip at the start with his coach John Glover

Honouring his donor and her family, whose generosity and courage had saved his life, was the main reason why he started the rigorous training programme that his coach at Lagan Valley Athletics Club, John Glover, devised for him in mid-January.  It was also the main reason for persevering with it through the cold and rain of the past winter.  Raising money for the RVH Liver Support Group was a secondary though not insignificant motivation.  His initial target was £500.

Here Philip takes up his own story: The lonely training evenings, sometimes for hours at a time felt very worthwhile up until 16 miles in.  A few miles later I learnt just what ‘hitting the wall’ really meant.  From then on it was a battle between an exhausted body and a stubborn mind.  All the way round I was grateful to strangers who were encouraging me but most of all grateful to the complete stranger who allowed me to turn up at the starting line in the first place.

He finished in 3 hours 31 minutes 36 seconds.  He is, as far as we know, the first Northern Ireland liver recipient to run the Belfast marathon.  He was mentioned in an editorial in the next day’s Newsletter as one of three competitors who were the ultimate ambassadors for an event that symbolises human endurance and will in the face of adversity. As for his fundraising target, thanks to the generosity of many who have been touched by his story, the total currently stands in excess of £2, 000.

But will he be running another marathon?  It’s far too early to say.

Philip with his proud backup team of dad Donald and mum Jennifer

Philip with his proud backup team of dad Donald and mum Jennifer

Philip crosses the finish line with his time displayed on the gantry

Philip crosses the finish line with his time displayed on the overhanging clock.

Congratulations to Philip on his marathon run2020-08-04T11:17:46+01:00

AGM 2016 Report

AGM 2016

Some 50 members and friends of the RVH Liver Support Group attended the AGM on the evening of 21st April.

The necessary formal business, including the voting in of several constitutional amendments, the approval of the financial statement for the year and the election of the new committee went ahead promptly and smoothly.

Donald Cairnduff’s Chairman’s Report dealt with some excellent work during the year, including the setting up of a Helpdesk in Outpatients that had led to over 700 contacts, a 48%  increase in patient care payments and some robust lobbying for organ donation with MLAs during a ‘platform event’ at Stormont in April 2015.  As ever, those who were bereaved during the year were much in the thoughts of all on the committee, while the efforts of all who raised funds for the Group were deeply appreciated.  (The full report appears in the ‘From the Chairman’ section of the website).

Chief Guest was Dr. Michael Heneghan, Consultant Hepatologist at King’s College Hospital and well known to some in the audience from joint clinics.  His presentation traced the history of liver transplantation at King’s from its earliest days to its current world class status. The potential for world class surgery to save lives, however, was hampered by the unacceptable fact that the UK’s donation rates lagged behind so many European countries.  It was important that the Group and other charities and health agencies throughout the UK continued their advocacy of organ donation.

His presentation was well received by his audience.  Everyone was wished a safe journey home and reminded that they would be welcome to meet again in just over a month, at the carvery lunch in the Seagoe Hotel on Sunday 22nd May.

L to R Dr Michael Heneghan (Consultant Hepatologist), Gordon Cave,Jennifer Cairnduff, Eileen Hearst, Sharon Millen, Kay Duffy, Rachel Quinney-Mee, Donald Cairnduff, Tom McCready and Dr Neil McDougall at the AGM

L to R Dr Michael Heneghan (Consultant Hepatologist), Gordon Cave,Jennifer Cairnduff, Eileen Hearst, Sharon Millen, Kay Duffy, Rachel Quinney-Mee, Donald Cairnduff, Tom McCready and Dr Neil McDougall at the AGM

AGM 2016 Report2020-08-04T11:17:46+01:00

February’s members’ meeting

We had a well attended members meeting and the audience were informed of the ongoing work in Ward 6D from two of our speakers, Sr Sharon Moffett and nurse Stephen Meehan who is the Health Care Support worker. Angela Costello, who is the Clinical Co-ordinator, Hepatology, also addressed the meeting explaining how her role helps to get the best possible care for patients by the strategic use of the resources available.

Our three guest speakers - L to R - Sr Sharon Moffett, Health Care Support Worker Stephen Meehan and Angela Costello.

Our three guest speakers – L to R – Sr Sharon Moffett, Health Care Support Worker Stephen Meehan, and Angela Costello.

February’s members’ meeting2020-08-04T11:17:46+01:00

Ballymoney Soroptomists

We are very grateful to Ballymoney Soroptomists for their hard work in fundraising for us. Their representatives recently preesnted a cheque to our founder Kay Duffy.

L to R Cheryl Blair, Kay Duffy and Helen Patterson, President of Ballymoney Soroptomists

L to R Cheryl Blair, Kay Duffy (RVH Liver Support Group),  and Helen Patterson, President of Ballymoney Soroptomists

Ballymoney Soroptomists2020-08-04T11:17:46+01:00

In memory of Betty Hyland

Cheque Presentation

Sydney Hyland presented the RVH Liver Support Group with a cheque in memory of his late wife Betty.

Sydney Hyland and his daughter Charmaine present the cheque to Kay Duffy.

Sydney Hyland and his daughter Charmaine present the cheque to Kay Duffy, Founder of our Group.

In memory of Betty Hyland2020-08-04T11:17:46+01:00

Frew Business Machines Ltd continue their support

 Frew Business Machines Ltd  Begins 2016 With Charity


Daniel Fletcher receives a cheque from Robin Frew, Frew Business Machines (Right)

Robin Frew, on behalf of Frew Business Machines, donated a cheque for £1,000.00 to the RVH Liver Support Group.

This excellent cause is special to FBM Management and Staff as one of the Sales Team, Daniel Fletcher, had a liver transplant in March 2015, curing him of a life-threatening illness he suffered for 25 years.

 All money donated to this excellent cause stays in N. Ireland. The RVH Liver Support Group help families who need to travel to the UK for treatment and surgery for liver disease.

Frew Business Machines Ltd continue their support2020-08-04T11:17:46+01:00

Visit to King’s College Hospital

Donald and Kay with Wendy Littlejohn, Transplant Co-ordination Services

Donald and Kay with Wendy Littlejohn, Transplant Co-ordination Services

Our founder Kay Duffy and Donald Cairnduff, our chair, spent just over 24 hours at King’s from the afternoon of Sunday 22nd November to the afternoon of Monday 23rd November on a fact-finding visit.  They had a very full schedule of meetings that Kay had arranged in advance and returned much better informed than when they left.

Meeting with Martin Vaux, Chair of the Listen Charity

Martin met Donald and Kay on Sunday afternoon and talked about the work of the Listen charity, now 10 years old.  He also showed us the areas of the Hospital that liver patients and their families become very familiar with and the new Listen Lodge accommodation.  He mentioned meetings held once a month by Listen which are a great support to relatives and carers.


Left to Right - Donald Cairnduff, Kay Duffy, Wendy Littlejohn and Paul McKee

Left to Right – Donald Cairnduff, Kay Duffy, Wendy Littlejohn and Paul McKee (Social Worker)


                                                                               Patient Advice and Liaison Service

Kay and Donald visited their office and Carol explained that PALS dealt with concerns about accommodation and concerns about the treatment of patients that could not be sorted out at ward level. They are also a fund of willing information about life in Camberwell – bus routes, directions, taxis etc.

They had other meetings and visited areas of the hospital over the course of a busy two days. Any information regarding new procedures in King’s will now be updated in the FAQ’s section of our website and in any documents our Patient Care team use when offering advice.


Our two hard-working representatives said afterwards “At the end of the visit, we knew a good deal more about King’s and King’s knew a good deal more about us.  This was exactly what we had aimed to achieve.  A very satisfying couple of days’ work”.

As a result of this visit our Support Group are in an even better position to give the best advice to patients going across to King’s.




Visit to King’s College Hospital2020-08-04T11:17:47+01:00

Heart of the Glens Festival

The RVH Liver Support Group received a significant donation from Deborah McKillop on behalf of the Heart of the Glens Festival. As always, we are very grateful to all our fundraisers which enables us to carry out our important work with liver patients and carers throughout Northern Ireland.

Deborah McKillop presents a cheque to Gordon Cave, President of the RVH Liver Support Group

Deborah McKillop presents a cheque to Gordon Cave, President of the RVH Liver Support Group

Heart of the Glens Festival2020-08-04T11:17:47+01:00

Tullylagan Fundraiser Final Presentation

Tullylagan Cheque Presentation

In the spring of 2014 the Tullylagan Vintage Association approved us as their charity of the year for 2014-15.

This was the start of a close bond between ourselves and the Association that culminated in the handing over of a cheque for £9,000 to Kay Duffy (Founder of the Group) and Donald Cairnduff (Chair) at the Tullylagan Country House Hotel on Thursday 12th November.

Over the past year we have attended and helped with a number of memorable and lively events run by the Assocaition– a Hallowe-en supper dance; a St.Patrick’s night supper dance; a tractor push through the streets of Cookstown and a family fun day at Loughry College.  Kay Duffy and Donald and Jennifer Cairnduff were also guests Association’s AGM in January, when they were able to talk in detail about the work of the RVH Liver Support Group.

We are very grateful to the Association for their magnificent contribution to our funds and also for their invariably warm welcome whenever we met and their genuine interest in our work in support of those with liver conditions throughout Northern Ireland.

Best wishes for the future to Alan Graham (chairman), Robert Beggs (secretary) and to all members and friends of the Tullylagan Vintage Association.  Let’s hope our paths cross again.

Presentation of the cheque with front row, L to R Glynis Graham, Alan Graham (Chair of the Association, Kay Duffy, Donald Cairnduff and Robert Begga, Secretary of the Association

Presentation of the cheque with front row, L to R, Glynis Graham, Alan Graham (Chair of the Association), Kay Duffy (Founder of RVH Liver Support Group), Donald Cairnduff (Chair RVH Liver Support Group),  and Robert Beggs, Secretary of the Association


Tullylagan Fundraiser Final Presentation2020-08-04T11:17:47+01:00
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