About Arthur Goan

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So far Arthur Goan has created 248 blog entries.

Daniel’s story

Daniel Fletcher’s story

 Daniel at home –  ready for anything on the menu 

I was born with a rare condition called Classic Maple Syrup Urine Disease. This illness restricted me to low protein foods and drinks – a diet made up of fruit and vegetables. I was often sick and needed lots of blood tests, nasogastric feeds and hospital admissions. This all made me lethargic and weak, spending lots of time playing video games and watching sport on television.

Maple syrup is very dangerous if not properly controlled. The body breaks down its own protein and increases levels of a toxin called leucine. The symptoms are vomiting, headaches, an unsteady gait and brain irritation.

We first heard about a liver transplant as a possible treatment for MSUD from a newsletter published by a MSUD support group in America. In my late teens my condition was more difficult to control and I had a few very bad episodes in hospital. There was talk of a liver transplant but we needed to be sure that the benefits would outweigh the risks.

On 10th June 2014 I had an appointment with the metabolic consultant Dr. Clodagh Loughery to assess my condition. The leucine levels had become very volatile and my quality of life was poor. As Clodagh was reading out recent blood results she noticed that my weight had dropped significantly.

She went on to ask if I had ever thought of the possibility of a liver transplant as my condition was very difficult to manage and wasn’t getting any better. At first I was stunned. Was a transplant a possibility? Would it cure my condition? What was the recovery time? We discussed the procedure and possible side effects, with Clodagh explaining to me that one of her patients who had received a transplant in Bristol was now living a healthy life. It was remarkable to hear the possible outcomes; I would be able to play golf and football, go running, finish with low protein foods and eat normally.

After talking for over an hour, I drove home to report all I had discussed with my mother Gloria. To this day I don’t know how I made it home. My mind was on the endless possibilities following the operation: I could travel to see my beloved Manchester United win football matches; I could have  relaxing holidays in the sun with my family, never worrying about what food I could eat or enduring  tiny portions and endless fluids every day. It would give my family comfort knowing that I could do the same things as everyone else.

When I got home and started to explain things to my mum, she knew something was wrong. When I told her about the possibility of having good health and being able to eat normally after a liver transplant, she was in shock, crying teats of sadness and  joy. She asked me what I thought. At first I said I needed a few weeks to come to terms with all the information but as the weeks progressed it became clear that it would be great to have a healthy life and eat a variety of foods. My mum had been reading up on liver transplants and how patients in Pennsylvania were  recovering after transplants.

The weeks and months went by and we got more information about what to expect. We then had a conference call with  Dr. Mazaregos in Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital who explained about the transplant and how long the liver may last and the dangers of having the procedure. It was important for the rest of my family to hear what a doctor with experience of other children with MSUD had to say. The success rate was 97%. The call lasted 1 hour and 30 minutes and at the end of it I was reassured that there was no reason why a young, fit, healthy guy should not have a normal life.

The next couple of days were tense, trying to come to terms with all the information but in my mind I knew it was the best thing for me in terms of all the possible foods I could eat – steak, chicken, chocolate – and the opportunity to go to the gym and build up my fitness and strength.

In July 2014 we received a letter from Kings College Hospital in London to say they would like to see me for assessment. Mum and I flew to London the following weekend to see the consultants and the surgeons. Our four days there were intense to say the least, with numerous blood tests and examinations. However, the results were positive, indicating that I was fit for a transplant. My name was put on the list. I came home excited and anxious, waiting for the call that would tell me a liver was available.

The new year 2015 should have been very exciting one for many reasons.  I had bought a new Golf 1.6 and was due to collect it on 27th January. However, with me becoming weaker, having very little food and being up and down to the RVH for bloods every day, I wasn’t really looking forward to the new car arriving. But on Thursday 28th January my granddad Jack and I went to collect the car. When we got there I thought, ‘Wow, it looks class, all polished and looking the part.’ I drove it home and parked it in the garage, not knowing what was to come.

On 30th January, Jack, Gloria and I were heading to Belfast with bloods, me looking really unwell.  I became sick and began to vomit as we headed home, so we turned straight back. After lots of fluids and routine blood checks, it became clear that my condition was worsening, so they transferred me to intensive care, where there were no immediate signs of improvement. There was some slight improvement as days and weeks progressed, so they transferred me to HDU where I was monitored round the clock for continued treatment. After six weeks the consultants’ conclusion was that it would be best to transfer me to Kings College in London where I could be monitored more closely. Once I became stronger and able to eat properly, I would be ready for a transplant.

I was transferred to Howard Ward in the first week in March. The staff  were very pleasant, helpful and friendly. Once on the ward we spent two and a half weeks getting to know the staff and consultants, who got to know more and more about my condition. Dr Suddle was in charge of the welfare of liver patients and he did his rounds on Tuesday mornings, hearing how each patient felt that day and giving them an update on their progress. Regarding the transplant there was no news as yet.

Before my operation I had a chance to visit St. Thomas’s Hospital, which was a great experience. My consultant was Dr. Ramachandran, a lovely person who was very helpful and chatted to me about MSUD and how it led to me needing a transplant. The metabolic team explained the need for bloods to be monitored before the transplant and demonstrated how they were to be done at 4.30  every morning for the lab to analyse them at 7.30. For me this was a challenge because so far I had never done this without Mum.

On 26th March I was up at 4.30  doing my bloods because they had to be in the lab at 6. I went to reception to drop off the sample. I then went back to bed but was told to get ready because there was a donor liver available. I was stunned, nervous and excited. It happened so fast. They dressed me down in the shower and rinsed me through so that I would be ready for theatre in 45 minutes. I left the ward at 5.30. As the consultant and the team were wheeling me down the corridor, I turned to mum and said, ‘This is why we are here.’

I went into theatre at 7 a.m. and the operation lasted between 4 and 5 hours. I was out by midday, spent the afternoon recovering and in the evening sat up in bed talking to my mum and looking forward to the rest of my life of excitement and endless selections of food. I was in lots of pain but the medication helped to ease it and as the days went by I became gradually stronger and my appetite was returning. I was instructed to exercise as soon as I had the drips out. I began by walking round the room to see if I could manage the pain. After a few days I was walking up and down the corridor, slightly further each day. The physiotherapist was a great help in getting me back on my feet.He showed me a few easy exercises to start with and we built it up from there.

I was in Kings College for 2 weeks after the operation, getting stronger each day.  The support back home was incredible, with everyone praying and asking my family, ‘How is Daniel?’ When is he due home?’ At this point I couldn’t wait to get home. It had been a long road but worth it in the end. On 8th April the ambulance service escorted mum and me to an airfield where there was a private plane waiting to take us back to Belfast. Back in the RVH I was taken to the liver ward for treatment, where they assessed my condition, did routine blood tests and adjusted my medication according to the results. It wasn’t long before my 26th birthday. My family decided to take me out for a lovely meal and to allow me to explore the choice on the menu. There was plenty to choose from but it was a no-brainer; I ordered an 8 oz. sirloin steak with pepper sauce and champ. It tasted delicious. The flavour of the sirloin was incredible.

Life after the operation has been incredible for my family and me. We travelled to America for 3 weeks in the summer with friends and there were no signs of complications. My health was very good and I did plenty of exercise and routine sightseeing. The next adventure I went on was to watch the British Open. It was an amazing experience. I was able to walk round Royal Troon golf course with no discomfort, pain or lack of breath. Watching my favourite golfers in action was something I could truly savour. The most pleasing aspect was that my energy levels were high after a long day. During that week at Troon I learnt a lot about my condition and what i was able to do and not do. Since my operation, I’ve had routine check-ups every 3 months to monitor my tacrolimus levels and to check for signs of rejection.

In the last two years I have noticed an improvement in my stamina. I can do much more exercise than I could previously.  Looking back on the journey there have been highs, lows and some depressing periods but I would go through it again because it has changed my life for the better.  I would like to thank the Kings and RVH teams of medics and consultants for the continuing support.  I feel very privileged that they have given me the opportunity to enjoy all the challenges that the future holds.

Daniel’s story2020-08-04T11:17:45+01:00

Recent cheque presentations

Here are two recent cheque presentations made to the Group by our supporters.


Kay Duffy receives a cheque from Drew Holmes on behalf of the Grouproup

Kay Duffy receives a cheque from Drew Holmes on behalf of the Group.

Paul Kearney makes his presentation to Kay Duffy, founder of RVH Liver Support Group

Paul Kearney makes his presentation to Kay Duffy, founder of RVH Liver Support Group

Recent cheque presentations2020-08-04T11:17:45+01:00


 40 members and friends of the Group braved Storm Doris on the evening of Thursday 23rd February for the second members’ meeting of the year.

Guest speakers, l-r, Kay Duffy; Lyn Campbell

Guest speakers, l-r, Kay Duffy; Lyn Campbell

September’s meeting on the theme ‘Who Cares?’ had looked at the experiences of those who care for family members with liver conditions.

The February meeting developed this theme by looking at help that is available for the carers themselves on their often lonely and stressful journey.

Lyn Campbell of Carers NI explained what was involved in undergoing carers assessments and outlined some sources of financial support, as well as programmes to allow carers  some time away for themselves.

Kay Duffy, founder of the RVH Liver Support Group, spoke of her experiences over 18 years of providing practical advice and emotional support for carers, particularly those travelling with patients to London for assessment or transplant surgery.

Both presentations were well received by the audience.  Several spoke warmly of how Kay and other committee members involved with patient care had helped them through difficult times.

The key message from both speakers was the need for self-protection: you’ll not look after a loved one if you don’t look after yourself.





WHO CARES FOR THE CARERS?2020-08-04T11:17:45+01:00

Donation from Northern Ireland Land Rover Club

In March 2016 the Northern Ireland Land Rover Club selected the RVH Liver Support Group as one of its charities of the year.  Following a number of fundraising events during the summer, they were able to donate the sum of £1,500 at their AGM on Wednesday 26th January.

Ivar Aicken receives the cheque from Gordon McIlwaine (NILRC President)

Ivar Aicken receives the cheque from Gordon McIlwaine (NILRC President)

The donation was accepted on behalf of the Group by Ivar Aicken, a transplant recipient from Portstewart and a longstanding member of the Club.  In accepting the cheque, Ivar was able to inform the audience about the work that the RVH Liver Support Group does in support of those with liver conditions throughout Northern Ireland.

We are very grateful for the magnificent sum raised on our behalf – and also for the courteous and supportive way in which Barry Dalzell, Chair of NILRC, has dealt with us during the short time in which the paths of our two charities have crossed.

We wish Ivar continued good health and all in NILRC successful and prosperous days ahead.



Donation from Northern Ireland Land Rover Club2020-08-04T11:17:45+01:00

February members’ meeting

A MEMBERS’ MEETING will be held on THURSDAY 23rd February 2017 in the Samuel Irwin Lecture TheatreRoyal Victoria Hospital, Belfast.

Light refreshments from 7 p.m. The meeting begins at 7.30 p.m.

 The theme for the evening is  – WHO CARES FOR THE CARERS?

 Lyn Campbell will talk about the support for carers that is provided by Carers NI.

 Kay Duffy, Founder of the RVH Liver Support Group, will share some of her experiences during 18 years of providing support for carers.


 All members of the Group, relatives and friends will be made very welcome.  We look forward to seeing you.

 For further information, please contact:

 Donald Cairnduff          (Chairman)          07701 029347

Eileen Hearst                 (Secretary)            07568 083475

February members’ meeting2020-08-04T11:17:46+01:00

Cheque Presentation From Ballymoney Soroptomists

Presentation from left Donald Cairnduff, Cherril Blair and Beth Lindsay (Ballymoney Soroptomists), and Kay Duffy

Presentation from left Donald Cairnduff, Cherril Blair and Beth Lindsay (Ballymoney Soroptomists), and Kay Duffy

Beth Lindsay, President of the Ballymoney and District Soroptimists International and Cherril Blair, a longstanding member of the Soroptimists who received a liver transplant in 2014, presented a cheque for £1,000 towards the work of the RVH Liver Support Group to Kay Duffy (Founder) and Donald Cairnduff (chair) on Friday 20th January.

The money was raised at a concert held on 24th October last year.

This is a terrific contribution to our work and is very gratefully received.  Our thanks go to everyone involved – and not just for the donation, but also for all that the Soroptimists do to publicise the RVH Liver Support Group in the Ballymoney area and for their consistent and passionate efforts to raise awareness of the life-enhancing benefits of organ donation.

We wish them every success in the future.

Cheque Presentation From Ballymoney Soroptomists2020-08-04T11:17:46+01:00

Norman Keenan fundraiser

Brenda Keenanpresents the cheque to Gordon Cave, President of the group

Brenda Keenan presents the cheque to Gordon Cave, President of the group

Gordon Cave recently received a cheque plus donations totalling £2,710  for the Liver Support Group from Brenda Keenan, widow of Norman, who suffered from liver disease and sadly passed away earlier this year. Hugo McFadden had put together a band of Bangor Musicians who played in various groups back in the 60’s and Norman was lead singer. For their first public appearance Hugo organised a Charity Event in memory of Norman and to raise money for the Liver Support Group. Many thanks to all those involved.

Gordon and Brenda with Hugo McFadden who organised the event

Gordon and Brenda with Hugo McFadden who organised the event


Norman Keenan fundraiser2020-08-04T11:17:46+01:00

Liver Recipients in training for the World Games

Four liver recipients have been selected to represent Team GB/NI at the World Transplant Games in Malaga in June 2017.

                                               Rachel (and David)                                                           Lucia                                               Philip and Catherine

Catherine Annesley, Philip Cairnduff, Rachel Chambers and Lucia Quinney-Mee will be in serious training for their events between now and next summer, including attending three team building weekends for the whole squad in England.

Other Northern Ireland transplant recipients selected for the UK team are Marie Devine, Catherine Glover, Irene Jeffers, Orla Smyth, David Watt and Andrew Weir.

At the last World Games in Argentina in 2015 the UK team had the highest medal haul of any country but lost out to Hungary as overall winners when the agreed formula of medals to number of athletes was applied.  Good luck and best wishes to all from Northern Ireland in their preparations towards helping the  British team go one further next summer.

Liver Recipients in training for the World Games2020-08-04T11:17:46+01:00

Members’ Meeting and Launch of Fundraising Pack

Some 55 members and friends of the RVH Liver Support Group attended a members’ meeting in the Sir Samuel Irwin Lecture Theatre on the evening of Thursday 27th October.

Donald Cairnduff (chair) spoke briefly about the work of the Group since the last meeting, highlighting continued successful outreach on the Helpdesk, at which 1,100 contacts with patients had now been recorded; continued unseen and invaluable work on one-to-one patient support by committee members with responsibility for patient care; and the publication on the website of Before and After transplant stories during Organ Donation week in September.  The week has passed but the shortage of organs hasn’t; the stories can still be found at https://rvhliversupportgroup.org/category/latest-news.  Please continue to share them.

The most intense work in recent months involving the whole committee, had been the writing and printing of a fundraising pack containing an information booklet and a series of relevant inserts.  This work had been led by Seamus Cunningham, Fundraising Co-ordinator, who explained to the audience how the pack had developed from an idea of his for formalising this aspect of our work to the highly professional publication that was on display at the meeting.  He, Sharon Millen (Vice Chair) and Donald Cairnduff had written the various sections during the summer, since when it had been rigorously checked and re-checked by all on the committee.  It was hoped that this work would yield three outcomes to the advantage of the Group: that all future fundraisers would be well informed of what we do and why we do it; that fundraising efforts would generate the maximum financial return; and that all fundraisers would stay on the right side of the law and of health and safety regulations.

The theme for the rest of the evening was Who Cares?, explored through reflections on the challenges and rewards of caring for loved ones with liver conditions. Three friends of the Group shared their experiences:  Lynn Kirk, wife of Gordon, transplanted in November 2015; Sheila Watt, mother of 15 year old Megan who has a chronic liver condition; and Maeve Curley, mother of Ted who has already received a liver transplant at the age of 3. Maeve was unable to attend because she had been called into hospital herself but had kindly sent her answers in advance, which were read by Eileen Hearst.  The sustained attention of their audience for almost an hour and the willingness of the audience to share their own experiences as carers was tribute to the clarity and the searing honesty of the speakers.

On a night of powerful and ultimately inspiring talk, perhaps the most memorable words are Megan’s, quoted by her mother Sheila: I have liver disease. Liver disease doesn’t have me.

Members’ Meeting and Launch of Fundraising Pack2020-08-04T11:17:46+01:00

October members’ meeting


 will be held on

 THURSDAY 27th October 2016

 in the Samuel Irwin Lecture Theatre

Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast


Light refreshments from 7 p.m.       The meeting starts 7.30 p.m.  


The theme for the evening – WHO CARES?

 Three friends of the Group will share their experiences as carers for a family member with a liver condition:

  • Maeve Curley, mother of a 3 year old liver recipient
  • Sheila Watt, mother of a teenager with liver disease
  • Lynn Kirk, wife of a liver recipient


Please join us. Everyone will be made very welcome.


 Donald Cairnduff          (Chairman)          07701029347

Eileen Hearst                 (Secretary)            07568083475

October members’ meeting2019-03-14T21:30:55+00:00
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