About Arthur Goan

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So far Arthur Goan has created 248 blog entries.

Millie and her mum celebrate transplant anniversary by taking on the Great North Run

Even though this event took place last year we thought that you would like to read the story of little Millie who, after a liver transplant at a very young age, took on the challenge of the Great North Run. And if that wasnt enough she also did the Great Rickshaw Challenge for Children in Need. You can read her inspiring stories at these links:-

Great North Run

Rickshaw Challenge

Where are they now?

Millie and her mum celebrate transplant anniversary by taking on the Great North Run2022-03-08T13:20:29+00:00

Patricia, one of our valued patient carers and committee members, would like to share a recent experience.

As a fellow LSG member and a transplant recipient  I thought I would recount my experience of getting

Covid and the treatment option I received .

I surprisingly tested positive after developing symptoms similar to a light cold .

My initial positive was on a lateral flow test. I then booked a PCR as I was still unsure . Next day the PCR test confirmed my positive Covid status .

I was contacted later on that day by a Doctor from the Covid Day Unit at the Ulster Hospital . He had picked up my details from the PCR positive test results.

He talked me through the anti viral treatment option which is offered to those in vulnerable groups which includes transplant recipients.

An appointment was made for 2 days later for me to attend the Ulster Hospital where I received my anti viral treatment .

This was given as an intravenous treatment which only took 30 mins . Everything was explained very clearly and I found the whole experience both friendly and very efficient.

And, when I was at the hospital I even  got a lovely cup of coffee and a scone.

I hope this helps anyone else who finds themselves in a similar situation.

Information on the treatment that Patricia was specifically given can be found HERE. It should be noted that this may not necessairly be the treatment that may be offered to others; this is for information only and you must be guided by your medical staff.

Patricia, one of our valued patient carers and committee members, would like to share a recent experience.2022-02-23T17:26:47+00:00

CEV (Clinically Extremely Vulnerable) Engagement Platform

The Patient and Client Council wishes to extend an invitation to the first meeting of our Clinically Extremely
Vulnerable (CEV) Engagement Platform on Monday 28th February 2022 at 11:00am.

This initial meeting will serve as an introductory meeting where we will explore the experiences of those who are
CEV, their families and support organisations and to frame the role of the PCC’s Engagement Platform and long term engagement

Please register by Thursday 24th February 2022 by clicking here.

If you have any queries, please contact Jane Reilly on jane.reilly@pcc-ni.net or 028 9536 1705

Patient and Client Council

Your voice in health and social care.

CEV (Clinically Extremely Vulnerable) Engagement Platform2022-02-21T23:09:25+00:00

RVHLSG brings exercise to another level in Ward 6D

MotoMed letto2 for legs/arms

Exercise bike

The Liver Support Group has recently purchased, and donated to the Royal Victoria Hospital Liver Unit, a number of pieces of equipment that will enable pre and post liver transplant patients to exercise more easily. Featured in the left picture is a MotoMed letto2 legs/arms exerciser. As an activating leg-and arm-/ upper body trainer RECK Medizintechnik developed the motor-assisted bed modell “MOTOmed letto2 legs/arms”. Due to its pivoted bracket, the letto2 leg/arm can be positioned to the left or the right side of the bed. It can also be situated at the foot part of the bed. This makes movement therapy possible despite of special limitations.The letto2 leg/arm is standard equipped with a hydraulic height adjustment and a manual knee bending adjustment. The features make the handling in the daily care more flexible and easy. This unit is especially useful where patients are unable to get out of bed.

In the second picture you will see Brendan on the bike trainer. Physiotherapist Suzanne, in 6D, says ” we try to increase the physical fitness of patients whilst on the ward. All of these pieces of equipment help patients maintain muscle strength and muscle mass whilst in hospital.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have fundraised during this last year for the Group so that we can make this much needed equipment available to the ward.

RVHLSG brings exercise to another level in Ward 6D2022-02-21T22:44:58+00:00

The Organ and Tissue Donation (Deemed Consent) Bill passed it’s final stage

Health Minister Robin Swann conveys news of the Bill passing today to the waiting media

RVH Liver Support Group Chairman, Jim Kilpatrick, congratulates Health Minister Robin Swann MLA and Jo-Anne Dobson following the passing of today’s Bill.  Jo-Anne had unsuccessfully endeavoured to bring the change about during her period as an MLA in 2014.

The Liver Support Group welcomes news that the Organ and Tissue Donation (Deemed Consent) Bill passed its final stage in the Assembly today 8th February 2022, with a unanimous vote, and many personal statements of thanks and relief that the Bill had passed without amendment.  Following Royal Assent the Bill will come into Law in 2023.  It brings Northern Ireland into line with the rest of the UK nations, where all eligible adult citizens are deemed to have consented to be potential organ donors, with an option to opt out if they choose.  At present potential donors must explicitly opt to sign the donor register to be considered.  Consent rates here are currently at 64%, and it is hoped to raise this following the Bill becoming law to around 80%.  A period of intense education, training and public awareness will begin to enable the public to discuss today’s change, and convey their wishes to their families, who will continue to be consulted in any situation where organ donation is being considered

The Organ and Tissue Donation (Deemed Consent) Bill passed it’s final stage2022-02-08T18:47:40+00:00

Are you a liver transplant recipient?

If you’re a liver transplant recipient, please consider taking part in this new study by NHS Blood and Transplant and Imperial College.

The study is looking into the antibody response to COVID-19 in people who are immunosuppressed and vaccinated.

To take part, you’ll need to be over 18 years old and have had (or about to have) your third COVID-19 vaccine. You’ll answer an online questionnaire and take a finger prick blood test at home.

You can find out more and register to take part here > https://britishlivertrust.org.uk/transplant-recipients…/

Are you a liver transplant recipient?2022-01-20T11:44:02+00:00

🎅Season’s Greetings to the patients and staff in Ward 6D from RVHLSG 🎅

Kay and Jim, from the Liver Support Group, seen here with Sister Carol Harper bringing warmth and joy to patients and staff in Ward 6D at the RVH. The contents of these beautiful hampers have been sourced by members of the committee and lovingly brought together and presented to the ward.

🎅Season’s Greetings to the patients and staff in Ward 6D from RVHLSG 🎅2021-12-21T15:19:07+00:00

The Melody Study; assessing antibody responses.

“The MELODY Study”
Some exciting news for liver patients about a new study starting today.
The MELODY Study aims to assess antibody responses following three Covid-19 vaccine doses in immunocompromised people. It will include people who have received solid organ transplants, people with rare autoimmune diseases receiving immunosuppression and people who had a diagnosis of blood cancer. It aims to recruit 12,000 solid organ transplant patients.
For more information, and to register, go to www.melodystudy.org
The Melody Study; assessing antibody responses.2021-12-08T16:46:50+00:00
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