MotoMed letto2 for legs/arms

Exercise bike
The Liver Support Group has recently purchased, and donated to the Royal Victoria Hospital Liver Unit, a number of pieces of equipment that will enable pre and post liver transplant patients to exercise more easily. Featured in the left picture is a MotoMed letto2 legs/arms exerciser. As an activating leg-and arm-/ upper body trainer RECK Medizintechnik developed the motor-assisted bed modell “MOTOmed letto2 legs/arms”. Due to its pivoted bracket, the letto2 leg/arm can be positioned to the left or the right side of the bed. It can also be situated at the foot part of the bed. This makes movement therapy possible despite of special limitations.The letto2 leg/arm is standard equipped with a hydraulic height adjustment and a manual knee bending adjustment. The features make the handling in the daily care more flexible and easy. This unit is especially useful where patients are unable to get out of bed.
In the second picture you will see Brendan on the bike trainer. Physiotherapist Suzanne, in 6D, says ” we try to increase the physical fitness of patients whilst on the ward. All of these pieces of equipment help patients maintain muscle strength and muscle mass whilst in hospital.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have fundraised during this last year for the Group so that we can make this much needed equipment available to the ward.