The Public Health Agency (PHA) is calling on the parents of 5 to 11 year olds to get their child vaccinated against COVID-19.
While most children aged 5 to 11 will have mild disease if they contract COVID-19, some may experience symptoms which last longer than just a few days. Vaccination of children in this age group has been shown to help prevent the small number of hospitalisations and intensive care admissions that can occur in this age group. It has also been shown to help provide short-term protection against non-severe disease.
A new specially designed children’s formulation of the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine has been approved for this age group and it’s given at a lower dose compared to that used in individuals aged 12 and above (10 micrograms compared with 30 micrograms).
Clinical trials have shown that this vaccine was highly effective at preventing COVID-19 in children, protecting them and also reducing the chance that they transmit the virus to others, including family members who may be more susceptible to severe consequences of the infection.
If parents of eligible children have concerns they should speak to their GP or paediatrician. Trust vaccination teams are also happy to answer any questions about the vaccine on the day of vaccination.