The JCVI have recommended a “third primary dose” of COVID-19 vaccination for immunocompromised patients including liver transplant recipients. This is NOT a booster dose and JCVI will define arrangements for boosters at a later stage.
Transplant patients who were administered both doses of COVID-19 vaccination pre-transplant DO NOT require a third dose.
Patients may use the following link to book a vaccination appointment – https://vaccinations.covid-19.hscni.net/booking
The Liver Unit secretaries are currently issuing letters of eligibility for liver transplant recipients and you should expect to receive these in the post in the coming days. If you secure an appointment for vaccination but are not in receipt of an eligibility letter by the time of your appointment, please contact the Liver Unit secretaries. It may be best to select a vaccination date in at least a week’s time to allow time for your eligibility letter to arrive by post.
Vaccination Centres offered include the 7 Towers Leisure Centre Ballymena, SWAH Enniskillen, Altnagelvin Hospital and Tyrone & Fermanagh Hospital in Omagh. The RVH Vaccination Centre is not offered.