About Arthur Goan

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So far Arthur Goan has created 248 blog entries.

Sr Georgie’s last day in 6B Outpatients

6B Outpatient Team

Georgie's career in a painting

Arthur (RVHLSG) and Sr Georgie

Today, May 30th 2024, Sr Georgie Fennell had her last day as Sister of 6B Outpatients Department. On behalf of the RVH Liver Support Group we would like to take this opportunity to thank Georgie so much for her sterling work with all of our liver patients who have had occasion to visit 6B. We are sure that many will know her personally.

The painting, presented by her family, deserves a special mention here. It represents her career in nursing from the first day she started work in the RVH back in 1975 to today. Georgie said, she came in on her bicycle wearing a cape to cover her from the rain. She left the bicycle in the bicycle rack and went to her work.

We wish Georgie the best of luck in her retirement.

Sr Georgie’s last day in 6B Outpatients2024-05-30T15:03:53+01:00

Everglades Hotel Derry/Londonderry Coffee Morning

The RVH Liver Support Group continues to roll out the “coffee morning” patient get togethers, this time in the Everglades Hotel Derry/Londonderry on Monday May 20th. The event was, once again, well attended. We will continue to organise and promote these right around the Province.

Everglades Hotel Derry/Londonderry Coffee Morning2024-05-24T10:00:14+01:00

RVH Liver Support Group does Belfast City Marathon

Belfast City Marathon took place today, Sunday May 5th with over 19,000 participants, the largest ever in the history of the marathon. Of course the RVH Liver Support Group took part too with many members and supporters taking part in the full marathon the relay and the 8 mile walk. We were joined by many  members from the medical team from the Royal Victoria Hospital and we are very thankful for their support!!

RVH Liver Support Group does Belfast City Marathon2024-05-07T10:35:56+01:00

Woodlawn Coffee Morning

Another successful coffee morning took place at the Woodlawn Garden Centre in Carryduff recently. We had over 20 patients come along providing lots of chat on their journeys and experiences. Look out for the next one!!

Woodlawn Coffee Morning2024-05-02T11:56:48+01:00

RVHLSG Chairman receives MBE

Yesterday our Group Chairman, Jim Kilpatrick, travelled with his family to Windsor Castle to be presented with his MBE by The Princess Royal, Princess Anne. Jim received his award for services to liver patients and their families in Northern Ireland.

Jim said “I was delighted to be here in Windsor Castle today with my family to receive my MBE from the Princess Royal, for services to liver patients across Northern Ireland. It’s not only a recognition of my personal work, but also all that the Liver Support Group does, and has done, for the past 26 years, which we are all very proud of.”

As a Group we are very proud of Jim and delighted that he has received his MBE as recognition for all the hard work that he does 💙

RVHLSG Chairman receives MBE2024-04-19T09:42:43+01:00

Newry & Mourne Coffee Morning

RVH Liver Support Group hosted yet another very successful coffee morning in the Mourne Country Hotel, Newry. The event, hosted by Kay and Arthur, two of the adult patient carers, was well attended and provided a great opportunity for patients to meet one another and forge new friendships.

As mentioned before, we will continue to support our patients by way of more of these informal gatherings throughout the Province. Keep an eye on our website and social media channels for updates.  A further two have already been organised; one for Apr 25th at The Woodlawn Garden Centre Carryduff and the second in The Everglades Hotel Derry/Londonderry on May 20th.

Newry & Mourne Coffee Morning2024-04-09T10:45:55+01:00

A night of sparkling elegance and generosity! ✨

The Mayor’s Black Tie Charity Ball, hosted by Councillor Mark Cooper BEM, Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey ,was a resounding success, raising a fantastic £5,720 (and counting!) for the RVH Liver Support Group .
Huge thanks to everyone who attended! Support from the Deputy Lieutenant for County Antrim, Mrs Jacqui Dixon MBE DL; High Sheriff, Mrs Patricia Perry; Representatives from the RVH Liver Support Group; Elected Members and representatives from local businesses and organisations made a real difference.
The RVH Liver Support Group provides vital services to those battling liver disease. These much-needed funds will go a long way in supporting their important work.
Want to learn more about the Mayor’s Charities or donate? Visit https://antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk/mayorscharities/
A night of sparkling elegance and generosity! ✨2024-04-09T10:17:26+01:00

RVH Liver Support Group reaches the dizzy heights of Mount Olympus.

In March of 2024 one of our patients, William Howe, decided to climb to the top of Mount Olympus in Greece. In doing so he wanted to promote our Charity in a trailblazing way; and he certainly did just that!! And he stated the following :-

“As anyone who knows me is aware, I am not one for sitting around. In the last few years, I have had a variety of short stays in ‘Hotel 6D’, the Regional Liver Unit in the Royal Victoria Hospital plus, a full hip replacement last year.

In early March I decided to challenge myself and to reach the summit of Mt. Olympus, home of the gods.

My successful and speedy recovery was a direct result of the technical expertise of the Consultants & Doctors, the care and skill of the nursing staff, the camaraderie of fellow patients and the retro ice-lollies from the RVH Shop.

Dr. McCorry will know well from his marathon running, and something I have learned from 20 years of Alpine climbing, that you need both physical and mental strength to achieve your goal. As I was told many years ago “it’s in the head, more than the legs.” The RVH supported me with both.

William Howe

Mt. Olympus, Greece,

March 24th”.

RVH Liver Support Group reaches the dizzy heights of Mount Olympus.2024-03-25T10:52:42+00:00

Seagoe Coffee Morning

Kay and Arthur from the RVH Liver Support Group welcomed patients and carers from the Craigavon catchment area to a coffee morning in the Seagoe Hotel today. Pre and post transplant patients had the opportunity to meet each other and have conversations on their experiences.

The Liver Support Group will continue to organise more of these events around the country.

Seagoe Coffee Morning2024-03-04T19:31:37+00:00
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