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So far Arthur Goan has created 248 blog entries.

Millbrook Lodge Fundraising Evening

Millbrook Lodge Fundraising Evening

Eddie Madine joined friends and family for a belated 50th birthday party at Millbrook Lodge on Thursday 12th May.  All proceeds from the evening went to the RVH Liver Support Group.

Edward Madine presents the proceeds of his fundraiser to Kay Duffy, founder of the RVH Liver Support Group

Eddie Madine presents the proceeds of his fundraiser to Kay Duffy, founder of the RVH Liver Support Group


Early in the evening Donald Cairnduff, chair of the RVH Liver Support Group, had spoken about the work of the charity in patient care, supplying necessary resources for the treatment of liver patients in the RVH and the promotion of the Organ Donor register.

It was a lively and enjoyable event.  Guests enjoyed supper to an accompaniment of songs from a wide range of eras to suit a wide range of ages, provided by DJ Johnny Quinn.  There was a display of Irish dancing by dancers from the Fegan – Curran  School of Irish Dancing.  An auction was led by Mr. Ian Wilson of Wilson’s Auctions and the evening ended with dancing to the Michael English Band.


A sum of £5,005 was raised and handed over to the charity’s founder, Kay Duffy, on the afternoon of 10th June.  All connected with the RVH Liver Support Group are very grateful for the time and effort that Eddie and his friends have put in to raise this magnificent total.

Eddie is on the list for a liver transplant.  Let’s hope he doesn’t have to wait long before he gets the call that will restore him to full health.

Millbrook Lodge Fundraising Evening2020-08-04T11:17:46+01:00

Seagoe members’ carvery lunch

Our annual carvery lunch for members was held on Sunday 22 May in the Seagoe Hotel in Portadown and it was a resounding success with some 80 members present. We had a private room this year and were extremely well looked after by the hotel management and staff. It turned out to be a lengthy afternoon which indicated the number of very useful conversations that were taking place. Members were delighted to meet others with similar stories to tell and similar experiences were recounted. It was well after 5.30 when the afternoon drew to a close. These photos show some of the members enjoying their day out.

Philip Cairnduff, the first ever liver recipient to run the Belfast Marathon, presnts a cheque to Kay Duffy

Philip Cairnduff, the first ever liver recipient to run the Belfast Marathon, presents a cheque to Kay Duffy

Our chairman Donald Cairnduff talks with some of our members

Our chairman Donald Cairnduff talks with some of our members


A group of members pose for the cmera

A group of members pose for the camera with Kay Duffy

Eileen Hearst was circulating with the guests

Eileen Hearst was circulating with the guests

Joyce and Michael Britt present a donation from their 40th wedding anniversary gifts to Founder Kay Duffy

Joyce and Michael Britt present a donation from their 50th wedding anniversary gifts to Founder Kay Duffy

Seagoe members’ carvery lunch2020-08-04T11:17:46+01:00

Hanna Family Fundraiser

Almost a year after his wife Nuala passed on, Andrew Hanna ran a very successful coffee morning and ballot in her memory in the Church of Ireland Halls in Irvinestown on Saturday 7th May. The event raised the remarkable total of £4,245.25  for the work of the  RVH Liver Support Group.

The morning was notable for many things – the excellent catering, the steady stream of people coming and going from 11 a.m. until after 1 p.m. and, above all else, the calm and dignified way in which the family talked about their loss.

•The Hanna family: back l-r Jamie, Andrew and Gerald; front l-r Nicola, Kirsty and Sinead.

• The Hanna family: back l-r Jamie, Andrew and Gerald; front l-r Nicola, Kirsty and Sinead.


The ballot draw was at 1.15 p.m.  By this stage most of the winners had left, identified only by the names and addresses on their tickets.  These addresses spanned an area well beyond Irvinestown, with winners from, amongst other places,  Enniskillen, Tempo and Lisbellaw.  All of which is testimony to the respect in which the family is held and to the willingness of so many to support them.




•The wider Hanna family with RVH LSG chair, Donald Cairnduff

• The wider Hanna family with RVH LSG chair, Donald Cairnduff


It was a privilege for committee members Donald and Jennifer Cairnduff to be there and to talk about the work and objectives of the Group.  Our thanks and best wishes go to Andrew, to his wonderful family and to all who contributed to a memorable morning by their presence and their generosity.

Hanna Family Fundraiser2020-08-04T11:17:46+01:00

Caoimhe on song for RVH Liver Support Group

When Lucy Duffy was looking for young people to perform in Another Night on Broadway as part of the Kinross Winter Festival, 6 year Caoimhe Clough was the youngest of the 14 successful singers and dancers who auditioned.

The performance, product of several months of intensive rehearsals, was a huge success. Caoimhe had plenty of stage time on the night, performing solo parts in songs from Mary Poppins, Matilda, Annie and The Sound of Music.

All profits went to charity, with cast members nominating the charity of their choice.  As a grand-daughter of Chris and Mairead Gruhn from Belfast, Caoimhe chose the RVH Liver Support Group as her charity, in memory of her ‘Papa’s’ successful liver transplant in June 2015.

Thank-you Caoimhe – your thoughtfulness has given us £240 towards our work.  We wish you many happy and successful years ahead as you take to the stage.

Caoimhe with 'Papa' Chris Gruhn and Lucy Duffy (Director of Another Night on Broadway)

Caoimhe with ‘Papa’ Chris Gruhn and Lucy Duffy (Director of Another Night on Broadway)

Caoimhe on song for RVH Liver Support Group2020-08-04T11:17:46+01:00

Congratulations to Philip on his marathon run


Competing in 5k road races at the British and World Transplant Games, participating in 5k park runs on Saturday mornings and even completing a half Marathon was one thing.  Running the full 26.2 miles of the Belfast City Marathon was quite another.  This, however, was the goal that Philip Cairnduff, a liver recipient in 2004, set himself at the turn of the year.  If he was to do it at all, it was appropriate to do it in the year he turned 30.  And even more appropriate in the year his donor would have turned 60 had she lived.

Philip at the start with his coach John Glover

Philip at the start with his coach John Glover

Honouring his donor and her family, whose generosity and courage had saved his life, was the main reason why he started the rigorous training programme that his coach at Lagan Valley Athletics Club, John Glover, devised for him in mid-January.  It was also the main reason for persevering with it through the cold and rain of the past winter.  Raising money for the RVH Liver Support Group was a secondary though not insignificant motivation.  His initial target was £500.

Here Philip takes up his own story: The lonely training evenings, sometimes for hours at a time felt very worthwhile up until 16 miles in.  A few miles later I learnt just what ‘hitting the wall’ really meant.  From then on it was a battle between an exhausted body and a stubborn mind.  All the way round I was grateful to strangers who were encouraging me but most of all grateful to the complete stranger who allowed me to turn up at the starting line in the first place.

He finished in 3 hours 31 minutes 36 seconds.  He is, as far as we know, the first Northern Ireland liver recipient to run the Belfast marathon.  He was mentioned in an editorial in the next day’s Newsletter as one of three competitors who were the ultimate ambassadors for an event that symbolises human endurance and will in the face of adversity. As for his fundraising target, thanks to the generosity of many who have been touched by his story, the total currently stands in excess of £2, 000.

But will he be running another marathon?  It’s far too early to say.

Philip with his proud backup team of dad Donald and mum Jennifer

Philip with his proud backup team of dad Donald and mum Jennifer

Philip crosses the finish line with his time displayed on the gantry

Philip crosses the finish line with his time displayed on the overhanging clock.

Congratulations to Philip on his marathon run2020-08-04T11:17:46+01:00

Chairman’s Report to the 2016 AGM

RVH Liver Support Group             Annual Report  (Donald Cairnduff – Chairman)                               AGM April 2016

Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to present  my fourth annual report as chair of the RVH Liver Support Group.

You are all very welcome to this our 18th AGM.  It is a particular pleasure tonight to welcome our chief guest, Dr. Michael Heneghan.  Dr. Heneghan is a consultant hepatologist and transplant physician at the Institute of Liver Studies in King’s College Hospital.  He has arrived at this position following a journey of about 8,000 miles – via University College Dublin, an initial stopover at King’s College Hospital and then to Duke University Medical Centre in North Carolina, where he worked as Medical Director of Liver Transplantation and Assistant Director of Medicine.  He will be well known already to some of you from  clinics.  I very much look forward to his presentation later in this meeting.

The past year has in some ways been a sombre one.  We lost three past committee members who had served the Group well.  Bill Weatherall approached all discussions in committee with an old-fashioned courtesy and a calm objectivity that could spot practical flaws in apparently excellent ideas.  Bill’s contributions kept our planning anchored in the possible.  Ivan Johnston was enthusiastically involved in the planning of the 10th anniversary gala dinner and continued to work on our behalf after he stood down as a committee member, not least as a volunteer at the Love Your Liver campaign in May 2014.  Mary Wilson was a highly organised treasurer with a sharp eye for financial detail.  However, she saw her role as more than balancing the books.  Mary had a compassionate concern for members who were struggling physically and emotionally and her stewardship of finance was always grounded in a deep humanity.  We miss these people and wish every comfort and blessing to their families and friends, as we do to the families and friends of all associated with the group who have lost loved ones over the past year.

We are just over a year past the first anniversary of the opening of the Helpdesk in Outpatients.  The Helpdesk has been manned by committee members every Wednesday and Friday since then, bar those very occasional afternoons when clinics were too small or cancelled.  Our aims are to provide a wide selection of literature on liver conditions published by the British Liver Trust for patients and to make contact with as many as possible who might wish to avail of the our support.  The first year has posed challenges for this work, not least in treading a very fine line between engaging with those who may want further contact with us and keeping a sensitive distance from those who patently do not.  However, review meetings with Sister Esther Mallon have approved our way of working and we have made great strides in reaching people who otherwise might not have heard of us.  As of Friday 15th April 741 contacts with patients and carers have been noted.  Many of these have led to discreet practical and emotional support in follow-up phone contact with committee members responsible for patient care.  Some have led to closer involvement with the Group through attendance at meetings and receipt of mailshots.  Some have led to financial assistance for patients who have been called to King’s or to Birmingham Children’s Hospital.  Patient care payments have again increased significantly. The figure I reported last year of £9, 800 was more than double the previous year’s.  This year’s figure of £14, 600 surpassed that by 48% and by exactly the total amount spent on patient care payments in the whole of 2013-14.  The Helpdesk has certainly worked well in its first year.  Our challenge now is to sustain and improve on that work next year and beyond.

During the year we have also taken steps to ensure that increased awareness of our work in Outpatients is complemented by increased awareness of our work in Ward 6D.  Gordon Cave liaised with Sister Moffett in 6D to agree installation of a monitor that shows the different facets of our work on a permanent loop and the setting up of new leaflet holders to allow access to our publicity literature and to BLT leaflets on different forms of liver disease.  We did not receive any requests for hospital equipment or resources last year.  We are currently, however, planning a significant financial donation towards the refurbishment of the so-called glasshouse in Ward 6D as a relatives’ room and are sourcing a tablet for the downloading of Apps that will allow patients with suspected viral encephalopathy to complete diagnostic tests before they are seen by consultants.  I hope to report in more detail on these two projects at the 2017 AGM.

During the year we held two successful members’ meetings which showcased work in areas of the RVH with which many of our members and friends will be very familiar.  The October members’ meeting featured presentations on the history and current work and aims of Outpatients from Deputy Sister Gillian Boyd and Staff Nurse Debbie Walker, as well as presentations on the work of the Programmed Treatment Unit from Sister Betty Boyd and Staff Nurse Geraldine Casey.  The February meeting concentrated on the ongoing work of Ward 6D with presentations from Assistant Services Manager Angela Costello, Ward Sister Sharon Moffett and Health Care Support Worker Stephen Meehan.  We held one outreach meeting in the Waterfoot Hotel in Derry on 19th January, hosted by Sharon Millen, Rachel Quinney-Mee and myself.  While we were disappointed by the low turn-out, we were encouraged by the sustained and intense conversations that the evening generated.  Around 90 members, families and friends attended another successful carvery afternoon at the Seagoe Hotel in Portadown on 24th May.

We had been aware for some time that things change quickly at King’s College Hospital and that advice which we give to adult patients and their families, on the phone or on the website, might not always be in step with these changes.  To that end Kay Duffy and I spent 24 hours in London in November reacquainting ourselves with the hospital and with services most relevant to patients and carers from Northern Ireland.  Martin Vaux, chairman of the Listen charity, showed us the exterior of the new Listen Lodge accommodation on Denmark Hill and a chance encounter with a carer from Northern Ireland in a hospital corridor allowed us to see its interior, very impressively decorated and furnished with money from the Listen charity.  We spoke to staff in Todd Ward, the recently opened Howard Ward, the Patient Advice and Liaison Service, Uden’s Funeral Directors, Wendy Littlejohn who is in charge of Transplant Co-ordination Services, Social Worker Paul McKie and Paula Blanchette from Bereavement Services.  At the end of the visit we knew considerably more about King’s and they knew considerably more about us.  The Frequently Asked Questions section of the website has been extensively revised in the light of our findings and I am sure that practical advice for patients is consequently more reliable.

Unfortunately the temporary halt to meetings of the Northern Ireland Transplant Forum, where charities committed to the promotion of organ donation met to co-ordinate their efforts, has led to less formal work on the promotion of organ donation last year than we would have liked.  One notable exception was when we accepted, alongside several other local charities, an invitation from Jo-Anne Dobson MLA to set up a stand at the Platform Event on Organ Donation at Parliament Buildings on 20th April.  The Group was represented by myself, Gordon Cave, Sharon Millen, Eileen Hearst and Gareth Hunter.  During two hours there we had significant conversations with visiting MLAs; we spoke to Mrs. Dobson, who hosted the event, Pat Ramsey (SDLP) vice chair of The All Party Group on Organ Donation, Speaker Mitchel McLaughlin (Sinn Fein) , Mark Durkan (Minister of the Environment), Dr. Alasdair McDonnell, (the then leader of the SDLP), former Minister of Health Michael McGimpsey (UUP), Steven Agnew (Green Party) and Sammy Douglas (DUP).  We were able to talk in depth about the experience of liver patients before, during and after transplantation outside of Northern Ireland and the life-enhancing impact of donation on patients and carers alike.  It was also an excellent opportunity to showcase the work and the goals of this charity to people at the heart of government.

Earlier in this meeting Mr. Alastair White’s appointment as independent scrutineer of the accounts was approved.  The accounts will be examined by Mr. White over the next few weeks prior to our submitting them to the Charity Commission for their approval.  During the year we were informed by our bank that in the event of a financial institution collapsing, the maximum savings that could be reclaimed by any single organisation was £75,000.  In the light of this highly unlikely but not impossible outcome we have transferred £30,000 to a new account with the Progressive Building Society.  It is hoped that this will generate some extra income even in the present climate of low interest rates while still keeping public money as secure as possible.  That we were alerted to the need for this in the first place and that we set up the account so promptly in the face of administrative hurdles and a culture in which financial organisations don’t seem to want money from charities, is due to the methodical and highly efficient work of our treasurer Tom McCready.  I am grateful for him for the dedication and efficiency with which he goes about his work because it makes my role as chair so much easier.

If you simply substitute where necessary the word ‘her’ for ‘his’ in that last sentence, it is a sentence that would apply to every member of the committee.  I am constantly grateful for the dedication and efficiency with which they all go about their work because it makes my role as chair so much easier.

Kay Duffy our founder is heavily involved in adult patient care.  She spends unseen hours on the phone with people who are experiencing distress, elation and every conceivable emotion in between.  The regular reports I hear from people about the strength and comfort they have derived from these conversations is testimony to the sensitivity and humanity with which she deals with everyone.  Kay has been ably assisted this year by Anya Toner, who helps collate records of patient contact and who is becoming increasingly more involved in personal contact with patients.  Similar sensitivity and humanity is evident in the excellent patient support offered to families of children by Rachel Quinney-Mee and Jennifer Cairnduff.  Jennifer has taken on the bulk of work on the Helpdesk on Wednesdays over the past year, with Kay taking on most of the Friday work, although other committe members step in regularly.  Gordon Cave, our President, is responsible for press and media contact.  He gave an excellent account of the work of the Group during an interview on Belfast 89 FM on 24th November.  His strategic vision, moulded through a career in the Civil Service and through his involvement with this charity from its inception, is invaluable for our planning.  The practical wisdom of another past chairman, Seamus Cunningham, is very useful in keeping our planning grounded.  Seamus also does a huge amount of unseen work in comparing patterns of expenditure from one year to the next, co-ordinating fundraising and maintaining our website.  Eileen Hearst our secretary minutes meetings with remarkable clarity and precision.  Sharon Millen our vice-chair looks after the Facebook Page and our members’ database, as well as informing the committee of current developments in academic research into liver conditions.  I am grateful to them all, particularly so at the end of a year in which most of them have faced difficult times with their own health or with the health and well-being of those closest to them.

My gratitude to the committee is supplemented by my gratitude to many others.  I want to acknowledge these others because the work of this charity could not go ahead without their support.  As ever, the consultants, Sister Sharon Moffett and all the Ward staff on 6D have dealt with us courteously and continue to inform patients of the support we can offer.  Sister Esther Mallon and the staff on Outpatients have made us very welcome and given us a sense that our work complements the professional care that they offer, rather than being something detached from it.  Dozens of people continue to fundraise on our behalf and every penny of the funds they secure, be it £9,000 from the Tullylagan Vintage Owners’ Association, who chose us as their charity of the year for 2014-15 or £20 from a collection tin, is deeply appreciated.  Finally, I am continually appreciative of the many people who do our work for us all the time, sometimes in ways that I never hear about.  I know that the formal patient support of the committee is complemented by informal conversations amongst our members and their families and that patient care is more widespread than we can ever track.  I know that organ donation is promoted by our members and their families all the time – in casual conversations, in public talks and in social messaging campaigns.  You will be glad to know that this report is nearly over. However, if I had been able to deliver a comprehensive report of everything being done to pursue the goals the RVH Liver Support Group, none of us would have been going home tonight.

I would like to finish with farewells to three medical professionals who have moved on from the posts through which they were known to many of us. Professor John O’Grady is retiring as Consultant Hepatologist at King’s.  The Group marked his departure with a farewell lunch, organised by Gordon Cave and Kay Duffy, on 5th February, at which Kay presented him with a glass plaque carrying the O’Grady coat of arms.  Dr. Pat McKiernan moves on from his post as Consultant Paediatric Hepatologist at Birmingham Children’s Hospital, where he has worked since 1991, to the children’s hospital in Pittsburgh.  And Isabel Stewart has retired from her post as Specialist Hepatitis Nurse in the RVH.  I wish all of them well as they move on to new phases of their lives.

Ladies and gentlemen, once again thank-you for being here tonight and thank-you for your patience during the business so far.  I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening and wish you well until the next time we meet.

Chairman’s Report to the 2016 AGM2020-08-04T11:17:46+01:00

AGM 2016 Report

AGM 2016

Some 50 members and friends of the RVH Liver Support Group attended the AGM on the evening of 21st April.

The necessary formal business, including the voting in of several constitutional amendments, the approval of the financial statement for the year and the election of the new committee went ahead promptly and smoothly.

Donald Cairnduff’s Chairman’s Report dealt with some excellent work during the year, including the setting up of a Helpdesk in Outpatients that had led to over 700 contacts, a 48%  increase in patient care payments and some robust lobbying for organ donation with MLAs during a ‘platform event’ at Stormont in April 2015.  As ever, those who were bereaved during the year were much in the thoughts of all on the committee, while the efforts of all who raised funds for the Group were deeply appreciated.  (The full report appears in the ‘From the Chairman’ section of the website).

Chief Guest was Dr. Michael Heneghan, Consultant Hepatologist at King’s College Hospital and well known to some in the audience from joint clinics.  His presentation traced the history of liver transplantation at King’s from its earliest days to its current world class status. The potential for world class surgery to save lives, however, was hampered by the unacceptable fact that the UK’s donation rates lagged behind so many European countries.  It was important that the Group and other charities and health agencies throughout the UK continued their advocacy of organ donation.

His presentation was well received by his audience.  Everyone was wished a safe journey home and reminded that they would be welcome to meet again in just over a month, at the carvery lunch in the Seagoe Hotel on Sunday 22nd May.

L to R Dr Michael Heneghan (Consultant Hepatologist), Gordon Cave,Jennifer Cairnduff, Eileen Hearst, Sharon Millen, Kay Duffy, Rachel Quinney-Mee, Donald Cairnduff, Tom McCready and Dr Neil McDougall at the AGM

L to R Dr Michael Heneghan (Consultant Hepatologist), Gordon Cave,Jennifer Cairnduff, Eileen Hearst, Sharon Millen, Kay Duffy, Rachel Quinney-Mee, Donald Cairnduff, Tom McCready and Dr Neil McDougall at the AGM

AGM 2016 Report2020-08-04T11:17:46+01:00

Come Dine With Us

Come Dine With Us!

You are warmly invited to join the RVH Liver Support Group for a Carvery Lunch

Seagoe Hotel, Portadown – Sunday 22nd  May 2016  @ 3pm

Free of charge to all members plus one guest

(If you wish, you can bring other guests at a cost of £15. 50 per person)

Following previous enjoyable afternoons at Seagoe, this will be an excellent

opportunity to meet with members and friends of the Group.

Please inform Eileen Hearst, our secretary, if you are coming and how many

places you wish to book – via text, email or post  before 13 May

Text: 07568083475

E-mail: eileenhearst@gmail.com

Postal Address: Eileen Hearst 14 Cunningburn Road  Newtownards  BT22 2AN

(If you are bringing other guests, please post a cheque for the appropriate amount to the above address).

We look forward to seeing you


Come Dine With Us2020-08-04T11:17:46+01:00

RVH Liver Support Group AGM



will be held on




in the Samuel Irwin Lecture Theatre, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast


Light refreshments from 7 p.m.      The meeting starts 7.30 p.m.  



1. Welcome

2. Constitutional Amendments

3. Minutes of the AGM held on 16th April 2015

4. Chairman’s Report

5. Financial Report

6. Election of Committee

7. Any Other Business


Guest Speaker:    Doctor Michael Heneghan

(Consultant Hepatologist, King’s College Hospital)


Please join us. Everyone will be made very welcome.



Donald Cairnduff        (Chairman)            07701029347

Eileen Hearst                 (Secretary)            07568083475

RVH Liver Support Group AGM2019-03-14T21:31:15+00:00

February’s members’ meeting

We had a well attended members meeting and the audience were informed of the ongoing work in Ward 6D from two of our speakers, Sr Sharon Moffett and nurse Stephen Meehan who is the Health Care Support worker. Angela Costello, who is the Clinical Co-ordinator, Hepatology, also addressed the meeting explaining how her role helps to get the best possible care for patients by the strategic use of the resources available.

Our three guest speakers - L to R - Sr Sharon Moffett, Health Care Support Worker Stephen Meehan and Angela Costello.

Our three guest speakers – L to R – Sr Sharon Moffett, Health Care Support Worker Stephen Meehan, and Angela Costello.

February’s members’ meeting2020-08-04T11:17:46+01:00
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