RVH LSG Secretary Donald Cairnduff receives a cheque for £1,000 from Scrabo Golf Club. Presenting the cheque are (l – r) Alan Walsh (Steward of Charities for Temple of Ards Masonic Lodge No 739); Joe Irvine (Scrabo Golf Club Captain); Malcolm Algie (Scrabo Golf Club Hon. Secretary).
We are very grateful for this donation, raised by the Club last summer and are pleased to say that our links with Scrabo will continue, as the RVH Liver Support Group is the Captain’s Charity for the coming year. These links were first forged through Billy Todd, former Professional at the Club, whose brother Charles had a liver transplant. We are glad to hear that Charles is keeping well.
We wish Scrabo Golf Club every success as they plan for the gradual re-opening of the club’s activities and look forward to continued contact in the year ahead.